9 Easy Steps
Task Hosts and Task Completers Register and build Profile on our platform.
The Task Host posts a Task that requires completion and the Task Completer Applies for the Task
The Task Completer receives an email alert when new appropriate Tasks are posted. They view, choose and mark their availability as suited.
The Task Host chooses the Task Completer that is best matched to the posted Task.
The Task Completer that is successful in their application are alerted via email and on the InSitu Clinical platform.
Following a successful match between the Task Host and the Task Completer, there is interaction and an exchange of NDA/CDA and relevant clinical trial specific documentation.
Interaction between the Task Host and Task Completer continues until the agreed Task is completed.
Once the task is completed the Task Completer acknowledges the completion on the InSitu Clinical platform.
The Task Host acknowledges the Task completion
The Task Host rates the Task Completer using a 5 star-rating system.
Task Host executes the payment to the Task Completer's designated account.
Records of interactions, ratings and payment are retained online and accessible to both parties at any point in time.